Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Super Fun Parenting Games

Not exactly the games I am referring to...


What can you say about being a parent?

It is the most difficult, stressful, challenging, wonderful, hopeful, inspiring, life changing and beautiful job in the universe.

I joke about my kids but they really are my whole heart.  If I had to choose between kicking a baby platypus or protecting my kid well... that platypus is going into the end zone. You feel me?

I love my kids something fierce but some days they drive me crazy.  I mean certifiably, looney bin, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, ka-ray-zee. (Can anyone relate? Anyone? Anyone at all?)

For those of you who are expecting parents or do not have kids, let me share some of the Super Fun Parenting Games that we parents love to play.

  • "Finding The Sippy Cup" - When locating a sippy cup after days (or *ahem* weeks) of festering with chocolate milk inside, JUST THROW IT OUT.  Trust me. Do not try and salvage it.  I learned the hard way. Homemade chocolate cheese is NOT the way to go.
  • "Going To Sleep Late and Waking Up Early" - You think the first time your baby stays up ridiculously late because they were teething/gassy/ear infection that they will sleep late. That is so cute! (Sadly, no dice.) Those babies wake up at the same early morning hour ready to go while you stumble around like some sort of derelict with a bad hangover.
  • "Read Me A Story While Going To The Bathroom" - My kids love to read all the time.  So much so, that even while I am in the bathroom, they like to climb into my lap and want me to read to them. Folks, we value learning so much in this house that reading takes place EVERYWHERE.
  • "Holy #$%& I Just Stepped On A Lego/Hot Wheels/Thomas The Train" - Unbeknownst to you, you can be traipsing though the house, minding your own business, when BAM, you step on a Lego. This hurts like no other.  I stepped on a piece of train track three weeks ago and I am still gimpy. No joke.
  • "I Know You Worked Hard Making Dinner But I Am Going To Throw It On The Floor" - Your kid only eats 10 things so you carefully take the time to fix three of these items just the way they like it.  After you place it on the table in front of them, they promptly throw the plate on the floor without eating it. Ah, well. Those ants down there aren't going to feed themselves!
  • "Eating Cheerios Off The Hotel Room Floor (Or Licking The Doctor's Office Walls)" - At some point in your child's life, they will put something in their mouth or actually eat something so nasty that you will almost pass out from the grossness.  You will be thinking, "Is it safe for my baby to gargle with hand sanitizer?" What doesn't kill them, boosts their immune system.  (At least that is what I tell myself!)

These are just a few of some of the Super Fun Parenting Games that we Mosseys have experienced.

What say you?  Are there some games that you play as a parent that I missed?


  1. When they're old enough to realize the reactions that they can draw from you, the games get even more interesting. My son fed the dog the other day and then bragged that he had licked a piece of dog food. He cracked up at my horrified expression!

    1. Patricia, how gross?! I can only imagine the horrors that await me once the boys are older. Yikes.
      Thanks for stopping by! :)

  2. The train track cracks me up. Ever taken a ride on a matchbox car? That's how I enetered a friend's house once! I walked in with things in both hands, slipped on a matchbox car on her wooden floor, went for a ride and slammed down all the stuff in my hands. There was silence for a good minute before anyone dared ask if I was ok.

    1. Holy canole! Taking a ride on a matchbox care does NOT sound like fun. Good to know I am not the only one with crazy stories to tell. Misery loves company and all.
      Thanks for visiting! :)

  3. I'm not a parent, but being the eldest of three I can definitely remember these things happening in my house! And don't forget locating the pacifier - those were days when giving your child a pacifier wasn't a mortal sin. Or, "keep the baby from chewing through the pacifier"; or "sterilize the bottle".

    Fun fun. Oh, and there's "Dodge - for the baby boy's nappy change".

    I love your sense of humor in this post. Beware all baby platypuses.

    1. Too funny! As a parent, you HAVE to keep your sense of humor - no doubt. That's right - beware baby platypuses! ;)
      Thanks for visiting! :)

  4. I actually just lol'ed. Very funny!!

    Visiting via the Saturday Sharefest Hop :)


    1. Glad you liked it, Sarah! Checked out your blog. Super cute!
      Thanks for visiting! :)

  5. Michelle, coming from SITS today. I can totally relate. I have a six year old and a two year old, and was childess for many years. Older parents. :) I don't write about parenting all the time, but do on occasion on my blog. I will definitely keep in touch with you.


    1. Leigh, so glad you stopped by! As a parent, you know you HAVE to keep your sense of humor. Otherwise, you'd be rocking yourself, curled up in a ball somewhere. Kidding, kidding. (Well, mostly.)
      Thanks for visiting! :)


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