Sunday, August 4, 2013

Roll Out The Red Carpet

Ring the bells!

Bang the drums!

Strike up the band!

Start the parade!


Uh, it's the parade, isn't it? It's a little too much. A little overboard.

Sorry! Sometimes I get all geeked up like Cheri O'Teri's cheerleader character on SNL. I'll take it down a notch.

Well, let's at least roll out the red carpet because I have an announcement! Are you ready for it?!

And no, I'm not preggers, nor did I win the lottery, nor did I make-out with Chris Hemsworth.


Back to the announcement!!

Since you, my dear fellow readers, enjoy reading about Jake and Maddie as much as I like writing about them, I have created a page for you! A NEW PAGE ON MY BLOG FOR MY FICTION!!

When writing, I tend to think of scenes and they are not necessarily in chronological order. I think of a scene, how it plays out and immediately want to put it to paper (or blog as it were) so I don't forget it.

This new page will list all of my fiction projects by heading in chronological order. (Currently, there is only one but I hope to change that. I have ideas people! BIG IDEAS!) Appropriately, the new page is titled, "Sometimes I Write A Little Fiction". You can see it at the top of the blog in on the right side.

So, grab yourself a cup of coffee/tea/wine (or all three). There is no judgement here. Get comfy and head on over to check out my new page.

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