
Who Is This Chick?

Hello there! Thanks again for stopping by my blog!

Let me tell you a little about myself.  I am many things.
A daughter.
A friend.
A sister.
A career woman. 

But being a mom defines me. 

I have two boys - J and L. 

They are the cutest, craziest, sweetest boys a mom could ask for. They drive me crazy some days but I love them something fierce. They bring me so much joy.

IF I get some free time, I love to read YA fiction. I mean I REALLY love to read. I mean 'I think I have a problem' love to read - like 'Hi. My name is Michelle. I am a readaholic...."

Sorry, I digress!  That sometimes happens when you go years without sleep.

Anyway, what is this blog about? Well, it's about my thoughts on parenting, books, life, and anything else that happens to show up, all while trying to keep my sense of humor. 

So, pull up a chair, grab a cup of java (or something stronger - ahem) and make yourself comfy!



  1. Oh dear Michelle! Let me be the first to say congrats to you on your blogging. I look forward to your daily rants, as I am sure that they will make me pee my pants a little ( you know how that can happen after having kids). If you ever need a guest contributor to your blog, I will be glad to oblige. Because certainly, if you are having a not so interesting day, I am almost positive that I can add a dose of humor and wisdom, as I struggle to juggle the role of mother, wife, sister, daughter, coworker, peptalker, and any other hat that we women wear every day.

    Love you dearly,

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Amanda! I am sure you could give us a good chuckle with some of the stories you would write! Keep you phone close. I am sure I will need your writing prowess one day!

  2. Just saw your blog mentioned on Twitter and popped over to say hi! Love reading about Moms of Boys....we are special breed!

    1. Welcome! Glad you stopped by for a visit! Little boys are the best. The most tiring, but the best.
      Just finished checking out your blog as well. Really enjoyed your post about your son and his view towards others who are different. Very sweet!


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