
Saturday, March 7, 2020

Time Is A Tricky Thing

Time is a tricky thing.  Is it not?

While you are in it, it seems to move at a turtle's pace. Or you are wishing it away for the weekend or a vacation or a holiday.

When you stop to look back, it seems to speed up at light speed, making you wonder how it went by so quickly.

In hindsight, you can see all of the things that that you could have done differently or things that would have worked out if you were brave enough to do x, y or z.

When we do this, we can often get wrapped up in "shoulds", "coulds" or "woulds". We can start to doubt ourselves or beat ourselves up for things we did or didn't do.

The thing's okay.

It's okay that things didn't go the way you thought they would.

It's okay that you were scared to try something new.

It's okay that you were brave and tried something new, only for it to blow up in your face.

It's okay that you got your feelings hurt or your heart broken.

*Stay with me. I'm bringing it back around.*

It's okay because look where you are today.

Look at who you are today.

These experiences that time has taught us - the good and the bad - have made us who we are meant to be.  It has helped shape our character and our own story.  It has helped us to be stronger versions of ourselves.

This is what I try to remind myself when time has not been the kindest to me.

That I am stronger for the bad or sad things that happen.

That I can use my own failures to help someone else along their life journey.

That I am staring time in the face and I am not afraid.

This post has been a long time coming.  Lots of things have changed in these past two years.  Some good. Some bad. Some amazing. Some sad.

But I find myself here.  And I'm okay.

I'm better than I have been in a long time.

And I can look back and say with confidence that "it's okay".

Time is a tricky thing.

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