
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

What My Kids Are Reading #7

Snapped a picture on the way to returning it to the library.

You know when your kid discovers a movie or a TV show and they LOVE it so you watch it over and over and over and OVER again.


You guys know what I'm talking about.

"Mom, can we watch so and so?"

"Mom, if we eat all our dinner can we watch so and so?"

"Can we please watch a little of so and so before we go to bed?"

So if it is something like "The Backyardigans", "Amazing World of Gumball" or "Caillou".


It makes you want to pull your hair out.


Every once and a while, my kids will stumble upon a real gem - a diamond in the rough, if you will.

For us, these movies are How To Train Your Dragon and How To Train Your Dragon 2.

In my opinion, these movies are the best kids movies out there. Heck, they are just good movies period!

When I discovered that they were based on a series of books, I knew we just had to check them out.

They are chapter books written as Hiccup's memoirs. There are a series of 8 books in all.

This was our first chapter book so I wasn't sure if the kids would like them.

My 4 year old will sometimes listen but my 6 year old loves them! He listens intently and always wants me to read a little more so we can see what happens next.

At bedtime, I usually read two picture books for the little one before delving into the chapter book for the bigger one.

They are slightly different than the movies but still very funny, adventurous and LOTS of dragons.

If you are looking to introduce your child to chapter books, The How To Train Your Dragon Series is a great place to start.

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