
Saturday, November 15, 2014

What My Kids Are Reading #6

Just a few of the many brilliant books by Mo Willems.

Two words.

Mo Willems.

Who is Mo Willems, you ask?

Well, let me just tell you!

He is an author.

But not just any author.

He is a fantastic, superb, comedic, inspirational author.

Okay, maybe I am overselling it.

BUT he writes really good children's books.

He writes books about a pigeon, like 'Don't Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus!' or 'The Pigeon Wants A Puppy'.

He also has tons of books about friends, Gerald the Elephant and Piggie.

He has written books about 'Knuffle Bunny', 'Leonardo The Terrible Monster' and 'Naked Mole Rats Don't Wear Clothes'.


These days, we are all Mo Willems all the time.

True story.

These books with their surprising simple drawings with the funny character facial expressions give your little ones a laugh as well a life lesson learned, such as you can have more than one friend, good things are worth waiting for and it's okay to do things differently.

If you are looking for new books to introduce to your little ones and maybe even to give as gifts for the holidays, I cannot recommend Mo Willems enough.

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