
Monday, March 12, 2012

Things Heard While Getting the Boys Ready For Bed

We have a nightly routine for getting the kids down for the night.  (Who doesn't, right?) Our nightly routine with the boys is dinner, playtime, tubby time, then bedtime.  L usually goes down first with J following closely behind. 

We shoot for having both of them in bed by 8:30p at the latest.  (Mommy turns into a pumpkin at nine.  Don't come looking for her because she is not here!)

Here are some of the things that can heard while getting the kids ready for bed.

"Don't put your butt in his face."

"Only touch your own penis."

"If you want to hug your brother, hug him around his tummy, not his throat."

"Don't drink the tubby water."

"Let's keep the water in the tubby, not throw it out on the floor."

"Keep your diaper on."

"Put your underpants on."

"If you want to touch your own penis, you need to do that in private."

Ack!! All this talk about penises and they are just babies!  (Alright, they are 16mo and 3yrs, but still!  They are just little guys!)  I cannot even imagine when they get to be teenagers.  Jeff is going to have to handle that.  I am getting a migraine just thinking about it.

Boys and their penises.  What are you going to do?


  1. I have been amazed since my boys were infants at how early that obsession with the penis begins. Seriously, how about you just let go of that thing once in a while? Loved the post. (stopped by from Finding the Funny)

    1. I know, right?! *Sigh*. Guess we should put our seat belts on. This is going to be a bumpy ride!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. As long as they keep hearing "touch your own penis and in private" you should be ok! Found you at finding the funny!

    1. How crazy is it that I have to say those things to them now? Can you even imagine a puberty? Oy!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Hahaha!! Love the part about not hugging the throat. Sounds like something I say at my house a lot to my two boys! (Thanks for linking up with #findingthefunny!)

    1. Thanks Kelley. Whew! Parenting boys can be so challenging at times. I know your oldest one is teenage (or close to it) so I can't even imagine the things that are going on in your house. I guess that will be me one day!


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