
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Love Me Some Zombies

Vampires, Werewolves and Zombies, oh my!  If I am going to read a book or watch a movie, I will usually pick one of these three.  I know lots of people think horror movies are too scary. To me, they are entertaining. They are entertaining to me because I know they are not real. (Sorry to burst your bubble, Team Edward fans. It just ain't gonna happen.)

Now take movies or books about demonic possession, kidnappings or serial killers. N TO THE O.  I will NOT be watching these movies ever.  If these things can happen in real life, there is no way I am going to watch a movie about them. (I still have never watched 'Silence of The Lambs'. No joke.)

In honor of my favorite show, 'The Walking Dead', I thought I would write a post about zombies.  I think I like zombies so much because they remind me of myself.

  • Zombies moan "Brainsss! Brainsss!"  I moan "Coffeeee! Coffeeee!"  Do not try to have a conversation of any substance with me before I have consumed at least five sips of coffee.  (Yes, it is true. It is a well-known fact that it takes at least five sips of coffee to get into your system.)
  • Zombies shuffle around.  I shuffle around.  After getting up several times during the night with the boys, I am feeling extremely tired.  Therefore, there is no 'pep in my step', hence the shuffling.
  • Zombies appear disheveled.  I appear disheveled. Let's face it.  Running around after two kids under the age of 4 does not leave a great deal of time in my beauty regime.  If I leave the house with my teeth clean, hair brushed and deodorant on, I feel like a beauty queen. (Bring on the paparazzi!)
  • Zombies look unkempt.  I look unkempt.  My kids like to give me hugs.  A lot of times they will give me hugs right after they have eaten Oreos or just sneezed the biggest sneeze ever, so I end up with some of these things on me. So, no I am not homeless, I just have small kids that like to wipe things on me.  (Mama, the human Kleenex.)
So, the next time you are walking into Target and you look over and see someone who looks like the walking dead ambling towards you, start screaming, "The apocalypse is here! The apocalypse is here!" Oh wait. False alarm! It's just me running into Target for some paper towels and light bulbs.


  1. Ha! I never thought about it that way - I always think I don't like scary movies, but you're right, it's really the realistic ones that freak me out.

    1. Totally agree, Robyn! Things that can happen in real life are WAY scarier than made-up horror movies.

  2. Stopping by from the Finding the Funny Party!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Just checked out your website. Great concept!

  3. do make some valid points. Zombies are also fairly pale, and I'm fairly pale. Maybe I am one, too?
    Came from Finding the Funny...

    1. Thanks for visiting! Your blog is hilarious! Sorry to hear you are allergic to chocolate. I will have a moment of silence for you...

  4. I'm kind of with you on enjoying movies about things that can't really happen. My husband LOVES The Walking Dead but I can barely stand it. I mean, I like the show, but I can't stand how the zombies don't feel pain. GROSS! I hate how you have to shoot them in the head. It makes my stomach sick. My husband also loves Dexter, another show that I have a hard time watching. I'm such a wuss!

    1. Yesh, "The Walking Dead" is definitely not for the squeamish! Hey, it's not for everyone but I like it. Think of it as research for the zombie apocalypse.

    2. Alright. That's what I'll do. You know? I think I'm becoming less squeamish thinking of it that way already! :)
      (BTW, thanks for linking this up to #findingthefunny!)

  5. Ha! That's why we're so fascinated with zombies. Because they're just like us.

    I am a big horror movie fan, too, and I find the ones about the things that could really happen much scarier, too. And yet, I still watch them...even though they freak me out and keep me up at night.

    Came from Write on Edge!

    1. Scary movies are fun, even though they creep you out. It doesn't keep me up at night too much. I guess my nightlights and baseball bats make me feel safe! ;)

  6. My wife and I are pretty much obsessed with Walking Dead. Last night's episode was just okay. It looks great for next wweek.

    I like zombie stuff because I have social anxiety disorder. I often feel like I'm moving at 100 mph faster than everyone else. Watching zombie stuff is how I justify my neurosis toward the slower world. It's like playing a video (im not a gamer) in your head.

    Good post. Glad I found your blog. so, like hey.

  7. I dig the 'Walking Dead'. I was hoping Shane was going to get eaten last night. *Sigh*. Oh well! Maybe next time.

    Love the title of your blog. Very witty. Also, dig the 'Fight Club' photo on your site. Cool stuff!

    So, hey right back!


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